
D. Peel
Box 72203
Roselle, Il. 60172



P.E.E.L. Giffs for Extra Credit

(P.roactive E.ngaged E.lectronic L.earning)

Constitution Review Giff


P.roactive E.ngaged E.lectronic L.earning GIF

Directions: Look carefully at the animated gif Above and answer the questions below.

1. The Constitution was written in ________ (year).
2. There were ____ (number) delegates at the Constitutional Convention.
3. The Constitution was written in ___________ (city).
4. The ____________ lists the GOALS of the Constitution.
5. The ______________ branch MAKES Laws.
6. Representatives must be at least ____ years old, ____ years a U.S. Citizen, and Live in the ____________ from which they are elected.
7. Representatives serve a ____ year term.
8. Representation in the House of Representatives is based on the ___________ of the state.
9. The head of the House of Representatives is the ____________________.
10. Senators must be at least ____ years old, ____ years a U.S. Citizen, and live in the _________ from which they are elected.
11. Senators serve a ____ year term.
12. The Senate has ________ representation. (____Senators from each State.)
13. The head of the Senate is the ____________________.
14. The Executive Branch ____________ laws.
15. Presidents must be at least ____ years old, a ______________ U.S. Citizen, and have lived in the U.S. ____ years.
16. The President serves a ____ year term, and after the 22nd Amendment, he can serve no more than ____ terms.
17. The Judicial Branch ____________ laws.
18. Judges serve for __________ (how long?).
19. Powers given to the Federal Government are called ____________ powers.
20. Powers kept for the States are called ___________ powers.
21. Powers that are shared by both the Federal & State Governments are called _______________ powers.
22. Amendments are proposed by _________________ and approved by ______________.
23. Article VI of the Constitution says the Constitution is the ______________________ (Higher than any law or person).
24. The Constitution was adopted when ____ of the 13 states approved it.
25. There have been ____ Amendments to the Constitution and the first ten amendments are called the ___________________.

Click Here to make your own U.S. Constitution Rap!

Ultimate U.S. Constitution Challenge!    

CHECKS & BALANCES Animated Learning GIF
Mr. Peel’s archive

Directions: Look carefully at the animated gif below and answer these questions.

1. Which Branch of Government Makes Laws? _________________
2. Which Branch of Government Enforces Laws? _______________
3. Which Branch of Government Interprets Laws? ______________
4. Who is the head of the Executive Branch? __________________
5. Who is in the Judicial Branch? ___________________________
6. Who is in the Legislative Branch? _________________________
7. What Check does the Legislative Branch have over the Executive Branch? _____________________
8. What Check does the President have over the Legislative Branch?
9. What Check does the President have over the Judicial Branch?
10. What Check does the Congress have over the Judicial Branch?
11. What Check does the Supreme Court have over the Legislative Branch? _____________________
12. What Check does the Supreme Court have over the Executive Branch? _____________________


BILL OF RIGHTS Animated Learning Giff  
Look at the P.E.E.L. GIF Below and see how many of the Amendments you can remember!
Print these questions and write out your answers. 

1. Which Amendment says that you cannot be forced to testify against yourself? _________
2. The ____ Amendment guarantees Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, the Right of Assembly, and the Right to Petition the Government.
3. The 2nd Amendment guarantees the Right to ________ _______.
4. The ____ Amendment protects us from illegal search and seizure.
5. The 3rd Amendment says that there shall be no quartering _____ _____________ in homes during peacetime.
6. The 6th Amendment says that if you are accused of a crime, you have a right to a Trial ____ _________.
7. Which Amendment says that there shall be “No cruel and unusual punishment”? ____
8. The 10th Amendment says that rights not given to the Federal Government belong to the ___________ and the _______________.

9. The 13th Amendment Freed the ____________.
10. The 14th Amendment gave _________________ to Freedmen (former slaves).
11. The 15th Amendment gave Freedmen the Right to __________.
12. The 16th Amendment made the ____________ ______ constitutional.
13. The 18th Amendment made _____________ illegal.
14. Which Amendment repealed the 18th Amendment? ____
15. The 22nd Amendment limits the President to _____ terms.
16. Which Amendment gave Women the Right to Vote? ____
17. Which Amendment said that there would be No Poll Tax (Tax on Voting)? ____
18. The 26th gave 18 year olds the Right to __________.

BILL OF RIGHTS & Amendments
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